But the raison d'etre of this particular foodie blog of mine is more personal. It helps me keep track of some of the stuff I cook, not necessarily the ones I am the most proud of, but the ones that I manage to take photos of. Even then I sometimes end up with stray photos on my desktop with no memory of what exactly went into the recipes, so they never make it to these pages.
But the most important part of blogging for me is the sense of connectedness, the sense that I am part of something bigger than the space enclosed by the four walls of my kitchen. I very much enjoy the free flow of ideas, the raw sense of almost touching each other, if only in a virtual way.
I believe that this ability to literally peek into other people's lives will eventually make it impossible to harbour the hatred that still permeates so much of our world. When our kids will have grown up playing video games online with each other, chatting daily with people from the four corners of the world, even cooking together - virtually eating at each others' tables, it will be increasingly harder to then go and blow each other up.
May we all have many happy anniversaries!!!

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